Take Care Tuesday- High Frequency

High FRequency Facial


"Thinking about trying something different for your next facial? Add a high frequency treatment to your next service! High Frequency facials can help treat acne and enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and puffy skin and dark circles around the eyes.

In the late 1800s, high frequency currents were used to treat skin diseases but by the 1970s European salons were using it for its cosmetic and healing benefits. The wand itself is a glass electrode that passes an electrode current through the skin where it is placed. The wand is filled with neon or argon gas which produces either red/orange or blue/violet, depending on the gas. Both gases are effective at treating most skin conditions!

High frequency treatments produce oxygen molecules that create an anti-bacterial effect on your skin. Toxins are pushed away and skin cells are enriched with nutrients, which in turn helps with blood circulation and cell renewal. This also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, leading to a firmer and more youthful complexation. By using the oxygen in the air around the electrode, high frequency facials create a domino effect of rejuvenating benefits to the skin, leaving you feel fresh, rosy cheeked and energized!

High frequency wands offer a safe and gentle alternative to more invasive procedures like plastic surgery, Botox or collagen injections, and/or laser resurfacing procedures. You may experience slight tingling on the skin during a high frequency facial but it is never painful.

It is recommended to start a series of 3-6 treatments a week apart, followed by monthly treatments to maintain benefits. Results many vary - some immediately and some people need a couple sessions to notice. As always, a good skincare routine is key to maintaining beautiful skin, and high frequency can even help with deeper absorption of your skincare products.

If you are struggling with fine lines and wrinkles, or acne or enlarged pores, high frequency treatments can be added on to most facials or can be done as a facial of it’s own! It’s not recommended for those who are pregnancy, have rosacea, use a pacemaker or other electrical devices, or have metal jewelry that can not be easily removed. If you are interested in experiencing this revitalizing treatment, see me in the spa for a consultation! I’d love to introduce you to your new favorite facial.” -Xoxo Vai


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