High Frequency for acne, scaring and more!

Why should you get a high frequency facial?

What is High Frequency?

High frequency is a safe and gentile oscillating electrical current that kills bacteria, stimulates cellular regeneration, and unleashes a variety of other benefits to improve the health and appearance of the skin. It is a popular skincare technique that is used to treat a variety of conditions, including acne management, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles and puffy or dark eyes.

How does it help my skin?

During a high frequency treatment, enriched oxygen molecules are produced that create an anti-bacterial action and a “natural” thermal tissue warming. This reaction helps your blood vessels push away toxins, while the cells in your skin are enriched with nutrients and hydrating volume. Improving the overall texture, tone, and glow. All of this promotes collagen stimulation and elastin production, providing a firmer and more youthful appearance. The oscillation produced by high frequency aids in lymphatic drainage and helps to evenly disperse excess fluid.

What Are The Benefits Of A High Frequency Facial?

  • Improves and clears up acne.

  • Softens lines and wrinkles and improves sagging skin.

  • Reduces pores and blackheads.

  • Reduces eye puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

  • Improves cellulite appearance.

  • Promotes healthier hair growth.

Stay tuned for our High Frequency Facial Promotion!

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